Are you a D33 Democrat and have recently had a Letter to the Editor or Opinion published in local media? Please email a link to and we will post it on our website. We want to hear your voice!
We stand with the people of Ukraine and the courageous heroic leadership of President Zelensky.
Letters to the Editor
Patrick McGregor - Is a negotiated settlement the only way out of Ukraine? (Washington Post, 10/4/2022)
Patrick McGregor - Congress must focus on smart investing (Capital Gazette, 8/21/2022)
Patrick McGregor - Hogan should sign climate change legislation (Capital Gazette, 4/3/2022)
Patrick McGregor - Building for succeeding generations (Capital Gazette, 12/19/2021)
Patrick McGregor - Misleading view of federal spending plan
Patrick McGregor- Congress must speed up climate actions
Erica McFarland - (School Board Member Corine) Frank should resign
Patrick McGregor - Mandating masks is the right thing to do
Rebecca Forte - Masks essential for return to school
Michelle Jones - School board member (Corine Frank) should resign
Pam Smelser & Alexandra Matiella Novak - Claims in retaliation lawsuit against Saab, Chisolmn are disturbing
Laura Berrios - Teachers
Kevin Burke - A wealth tax should be considered
Dan Kavanaugh - Reopen Republicans